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Let's Talk About It! Conversations on Wednesday evenings at 8:30pm about Child Abuse, particularly Childhood Sexual Abuse. Each Wednesday in the month of April which is National Childhood Abuse Awareness- Prevention Month! Holly's Zoom for Let's Talk About It! Reader friendly, yet academically sound, this is the candid story of a conqueror who survived the ravages of incest. Beginning when she was five, Holly Jenkins-Livers suffered years of sexual and physical abuse at the hands of her father. But she has charted a path for her life that quelled the horrific nightmares that threatened to consume her. Her mission is to educate all who will listen on prevention of childhood sexual abuse and healing for those who have suffered. As an acclaimed author and lecturer, Jenkins-Livers guides others on their journey to healing and health. Note: Volume II contains all the letters in the original publication as well as guidelines for healing and recovery. Holly's book, "Childhood Sexual Abuse 101," is also republished in Volume II. |
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